Monday, January 26, 2009

A Catcher Upper...

Wow, I bet you all feel a bit abandoned right about now don't you. Yeah sorry about that. My mother comes in for the holidays and well she's a bit like the energizer bunny. There is not a whole lot of down time while she's here, even less than usual this time actually. And what little I had I spent knitting or napping. Hey you'd be napping too if she came and stayed with you trust me. If you don't believe me I'll give ya my neighbor's number. She'll back me up.

So on to the knitting, no need in wasting time eh? First my SWS striped scarf, because it's finished, which is actually the Noro Striped Scarf. The Noro versions of this are gorgeous, however since I'm not a big scarf wearer I just couldn't justify the cost on this one. But that's ok because even though I had to settle for SWS, I love it.

There ya go Jhonda a picture of myself. It's probably not exactly what you were looking for not is it the best picture but oh well. And another shot to see the scarf a bit better...
I've contemplated not putting anymore pictures of the fairy up until after she makes her flight to her new owner because well frankly I'm just cruel like that. It's not quite finished yet. I have to attach the hair, knit one more wing, and finish half a green Tinkerbell dress still. Actually I'm not too far from finished. I have to go pick up the Mr. today so maybe I'll take the dress so I can work on it while I wait. Ok so here is photo, not the best, it's kinda a weird angle.

Oh and I have to do the eyes too, but that will be done at the very very end when the hair is all put on. I'm dreading attaching the hair by the way. I never made it that far on the last one so I'm hoping it's easier that what I'm imagining. The little yellow dots in the hair are the pins holding the curls on so just ignore those and the long dangley ends of yarn. I haven't cut those yet because I'm going to use them to attach the curls. The flash washed the color out too but you get the point. Anyway I'm off to go add these to Ravelry.

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