Monday, October 27, 2008

Pinkie admits to Complete Failure...

I got nothing, absolutely nothing accomplished this weekend. I guess since I haven't been around in a while I could give a quick update. The Mr. bought a new welding truck, well not new, actually far from new but new to him, and he has been working on it the past two weekends. So after last weekend's incident that ended with my leg catching on fire, no worries no harm was done, I decided I would stick to the sewing machine this time. I was in charge of making straps to help lift a tank out of the truck. Ok so right away the engineering side of my brain starts cranking, it was only squeaky for a short time. Anyway long story short the brilliant idea, and I mean it was brilliant, that I came up with was beyond a failure, maybe it was so brilliant. Then while the sewing machine was out I decided I'd finally make that bag for the Mr's work clothes I've been promising him. Oh it started out great, I even made box pleated corners, or whatever they're called. Then came the time to put the grommets on. I have found the new devil. Another long story short a grommet came off after I had the top all hemmed up and everything. "Fuck it" is all I have to say about this weekend. And while I'm on the subject of the weekend...why is it that my house cannot survive one. We go into the weekend with the house looking great, I mean spotless. Then by Monday all hell has broken lose. Specifically my table... This table had nothing on it except a candle/hurricane and a table runner on Friday. This was taken Saturday so I'm sure it's even worse by now but I have refused to look at it. And I figured while the camera was out I'd play a bit more is the Mr. Actually I got a few really good pictures of him welding this weekend. I'd love to put a few up around the house but I'm thinking if he's going to want pics like that he'd want them of him actually welding pipe not playing around in his backyard so oh well.... On a side note Blogger is not playing nice today. My pictures are not resizing like they normally do so I'm doing in manually and it just isn't working out so well and I have to run so they are staying screwed up until later, probably much much later but screw it.

In knitting news, Sally is starting to make her way into the world, head first no less. That's right Jhonda I started on your Sal. Her head is almost finished, hair not included. No pics yet though, since there's really nothing worth taking pics of yet, then again I have a picture of my husband welding on my knitting blog....But anyway I'll get some pics up when I have a bit more finished. Amber helped me pick out the colors so if you don't like them it's her fault not mine. And since I've managed to lose one of my size 7's, knitting on my COW scarf(the one from the last post) has stopped. It's just so patiently sitting over there longing to be picked up, maybe I'll try to find that needle today. Anyway until next time....

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