Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I didn't forget about you guys I promise...

Some of you may know what these are already. To those of you who don’t, they are pure heaven. They are Hershey’s Candy Cane Kisses. You must immediately run out and buy yourself a bag and while you are at it buy another one for everyone else and hide your bag. Sams sells them in bigger bags so I actually recommend going there to buy them if you have one near you. They actually taste like those mints that come in a clear upright bag that are pastel colors with little white balls of pure goodness on the bottom.

I haven’t forgotten about you guys I’ve just been out of town for a while and running around with my mother the rest of the time. I swear anytime my family gets together our schedule is determined by food. As soon as we get up, hell before we even go to bed the night before it’s “Where are we going to eat breakfast?” Then as soon as it’s over we begin the “When’s lunch”, “Where are we going for lunch?” The of course starts the dinner questions. It’s like the whole time I was out of town the only thing we did was eat with a bit of driving in between. I haven't even considered stepping on a scale since I've gotten home.

I amazed everyone, while I was gone, with my Lady E. It really is a show stopper isn’t it? I took it foolishly thinking I would get some time to work on it. Well what with all that eating and all I of course didn’t even pick it up. Ok well once, but I think I only got a square done. Now that I’m home and slowing down a bit I’m ready to pick it back up and get this puppy finished. I should’ve had it done by now. I did however complete Knitty’s Sock Monkey Hat. My sister put in a request. She wanted to be unique when she hit the slopes in February. I don’t know how warm it will be but it's sure to get a few laughs. I couldn’t find a good tweedy looking yarn but this yarn with just a bit of fuzz and glitter I think works well. My mother, who by the way is peeking up from the bottom of the picture has since requested one also.

I also finished another pair of the Old World Booties like before. This time they were a tan and dark sage green color. They turned out well. I really just wanted to try out a different bind off.

Well I guess I can leave you with the latest shot of my Lady E, although I’m almost ashamed too since I haven’t made it as far as I should have. Sorry about the color it just didn't turn out right. I think I’m in the low low 20’s as far as tiers go. Good night everyone out there in bloggyland…

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