Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Turkey Day is over now on with the knitting...

Sorry about the delay folks. I've had family visiting so needless to say I've been very busy. My mother comes down a bit before Thanksgiving and leaves a bit after the first of the year. The good part about that is that she splits her time between my sister and I so when one of us is about to pull our hair out it's time for her to move on. Kidding Mom, it really is nice to have her come down and be able to stay for such a long time. She moved up North a few years ago so even though my sister and I both probably talk to her just about every day we don't get to see her that often. Anyway my mother flew in the Saturday before Thanksgiving and the shopping started that night (we had to go out in hunt of that illusive Nintendo Wii, which we actually somehow managed to get our hands on on Sunday morning at 10) and didn't stop until Tuesday night. Oh well actually it didn't stop stop, it just took a break til Friday so we could cook, eat and sleep. My sister came in on Wednesday night just in time for Turkey and of course the infamous Black Friday. Oh yes folks we are definately part of that crazy crowd that gets up at 3-4 in the morning to stand line after line in the dark and of course cold. All those who partake in this glorious adventure would agree though, it just doesn't feel like the holidays until you have gotten back home Friday evening bags of goodies in hand and shared you're victory stories and a few horror stories too with those who stayed snuggly warm in the bed until oh about 10, mainly our hubbies. Oh and is it just us but don't most of the gifts end up being for them, what's up with that. Hey to give the guys credit I did actually see quite a few men out there, it surprised me how many I saw, however not a one of them was my husband, he was one of those that stayed snuggly warm in bed until 10. So how was everyones' Thanksgiving, I hope you all had a good one? And how many of you hit the stores Friday morning and what bargins did you get? And for those of you who were smart and slept in, any good dreams ya got to share?

Well with all the chaos I haven't gotten much needle time in, now that everything has slowed down a bit I'm hoping to get going again. I am somehow up to the 20th tier on Lady E, no pics though. At first I was just so close to the end that I figured I'd just wait until she was completed to snap a few more photos. Now, however, it's taken me a bit longer than I thought, so part of me thinks I should show off what I have so far but the other part has asked for a new digi camera for Christmas and thinks that if I take pics of her now what am I going to have to show off when my new camera gets here. Realistically if this baby gets finished before Christmas there's no way I'm waiting that long to show her off, hell I'll have pics up within the hour of completion.

I ripped out all the purpley goodness that is the filing of Baby Tart. A few stitches slipped off the needles and well I couldn't figure out how to get them back on so I finally gave it up and decided to start over with it. I think I'm going to work on this one for a little bit and take just a small break from Lady E just so I don't get burnt out this close to the end, hey I'm just as surprised as all of you that I'm still trucking along on her.

And lastly I've convinced my aunt to try lace. I've ordered the yarn, which I'm hoping gets here today, and made her some stitch markers and a row counter. I figure I'll grab some lotion or hand cream/balm and stick in too. It's all just a little bribe to get her to knit this with me. We are going to do Liesel. I don't think it'll be too hard for her at all. She's finished a pillow with a basketweave stitch and she's made I think she said five pairs of those Weekend mitts that I posted about a while back. I sent her the pattern just a month or two back, I thought it'd be an easy quick project for her well apparently it was. She's giving them out as Christmas presents.

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