Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday Monday

So it’s Monday night and hubby is at work tonight. Leaves me plenty of knitting time in front of the TV. Although it’s Monday night and nothing really comes on on Mondays. I used to really like the whole wife swap and nanny shows but not so much anymore. I’m still a complete reality TV whore though. Project Runway and America’s Next Model are my two absolute faves. MTV’s Real World and those Real World/Road Rules competitions rank pretty high on my list as well. And what is up with those Real World people anyway. You know I thought that it was just supposed to be that they were on one show then goodbye, well then they came out with the competition so I thought well hey now they’ll stick around for one more show. No they have now made a career out of doing the competitions. But really, who am I to complain I’m completely addicted to them.

I saw one of my nieces’ scarves, or whatnot, this weekend. She hasn’t gotten too much further on it at all, but I’m surprised she’s still working on it at all. She brings down her basket and tells me she has a question about her knitting. Well she has a couple holes in it and wondered where they came from. I tried to explain that must have dropped a couple of stitches but I don’t think she got it. I guess I should probably try and figure out how to pick up dropped stitches and attempt to fix it but instead I just told her that it’s ok I’ll show her my first scarf and that will make her feel better about her’s.

So I finished my booties this weekend, actually I think I finished them Friday. They are all felted and everything. I haven’t gotten a picture of them all finished yet but here’s one of them prefelting. I’m pretty happy with them. I’m thinking I’m really going to have to look into other ways of binding off. Are there any out there that will still be kinda stretchy when done? That’s definitely what these needed. Truth be told I don’t even know if you could get a foot in, its so tight. Oh well they still look cute.

Then there's Lady E. I started her on Saturday and finished the first tier of triangles see... Then on Sunday I ripped her all out. Yep every bit of her, which wasn't too too much but it was still enough. Well off to knit...

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