Thursday, July 31, 2008


Yeah so Newbs is gonna be mad at me. I've stolen her Wild Stripes blanket. Well it's completely her fault she's been talking about it a bit these past few days and it is too cute so how could I not knit it too. Plus until the 8th I can't start the Hemlock and what fun would it be if I finished something I already had going. Anyway it's not like I was going into Hobby Lobby to buy the yarn for it. I actually went in looking at cotton and saw Vanna's section and next thing you know I was walking out with 14 skeins (yes 14 I couldn't decide between 2 colors so I grabbed them both). Hey the good thing about it is that when she's finished and mine is sitting in a bag in the guest bedroom she'll be able to mock and torment me. Although that might be motivation for me to complete it...

Anyway so I'm off to watch the United States of Leland and cast on. I'll leave you with a picture of the yarn. Oh yeah see that glass hurricane/vase thingy, yeah so that was a wedding present that never made it to the recipient how horrible is that, we just kept it....

1 comment:

Amber said...

Newbs isn't mad...there is no way you are going to finish before me anyway! Oh wait, I am the one still with 5 colors missing though, huh? In all honesty I am hoping you finish yours first, that way you can practice sewing on the back, then you can do mine, too. Ha ha! Oh who am I kidding, neither of us are going to finish this darn thing, with your history of not finishing and my short attention span...