Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Time to feed Hal

Yeah to all of you who weren't there for the big start up, ok ok I can admit it, for all of you since you weren't there in the beginning you probably don't know that this here blog's name is Hal. So next time I mention Hal and you find yourself wondering "just how crazy is this lady" just know that while I am crazy (I mean who names their blog anyway) I am just not completely insane (I do not see dead people, who happen to be named Hal, and talk about feeding them all the time). I figure it's been over a week since my last update, I know big surprise, anyway I guess I figured it was time to give ya guys something.

Lately I have become somewhat addicted to dishcloths. Not too bad, but I did join a swap and convince Newbs to as well. I haven't received my dishcloth swap package yet (mailing deadline isn't until the end of next week I believe) anyway I did send mine out yesterday. I had fun searching for just the right pattern and yarn and of course knitting it. Can't post a pic in the off chance that she stumbles over to get any info, yeah I know very unlikely that someone else would voluntarily come to my blog but you never know. I can however post this....

See slightly addicted. In my defense most of these have been finished for a while and are just awaiting a needle and a nonlazy person to weave in the ends. I would say all but three still need the ends woven in.

I also realized recently that you haven't actually seen the above yet, well not felted at least. I'm really happy with how it turned out. And even happier that she is using it. Contrary to the above photo my cats are not the normal roll in a ball sleepers. They are more of the let's see how much room we can take up sleepers. She was just getting pissed at me for taking pics so this is her semi hiding semi leave me the hell alone pose. Anyway since they stretch out this bed is great because the sides, as you can see, fold down easily.And just because I love how this picture came out I'm including the one below too.
I had to sweet talk her into getting into the bed that day. But I just love how the light hits her sooo...

Just to show you how lazy my mail lady is. Yes that is my mailbox with the door wide open and yes the mail could go flying out. Oh and yes this was taken from inside through the blinds if you are by chance wondering what those dark things are going across the pic. And yes I just completely and randomly went way off topic there, oh well.

Also since I'm dragging out this post for as long as I can I just wanted to say that I did not forget your requested project Jelly Beans, I'm just waiting on the yarn to be restocked so I can actually place an order for it.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Well I'm glad to see Soph is using the cat bed. I really like the way it turned out! I am thinking the old Butter Bean needs one now. Yes I am with you on the dishcloth addiction, although to date I have only made two for myself. I am however eyeing the big skeins of the cotton yarn.

Hmmmm, never considered naming my blog, but my computer is named "Ethel". You know, because my work computer was "Eddie". Long story.