Monday, September 08, 2008

Why I knit

The house was pretty much in order today so that left me a bit more knitting time that usual. I did something that I haven't done in quite a while, I broke out the "pointy sticks" and turned on Cast On. Every time I listen to it, it reminds me of why I knit. I knit for the history; the history that is already in the knitting and the history that I'm making. Every time I pick up my needles I can't help but think of the generations long ago, I see their hands working the needles and the yarn slipping through their fingers. The last time I was knitting with my niece she started asking about "who made up knitting" and such. It just made me smile that she in her own way is thinking about the past of knitting. We discussed it for a bit about how much there was to knitting and how many people added to it in their own way and just the pure intelligence/engineering that that first person had to start knitting, or weaving, etc. One of my favorite episodes of Brenda's is the one where she discusses knitting memories. I know we've all picked up something we had knit a while ago and were immediately back where we were when we were knitting. We were back sitting on the beach, or driving to our eldest son's graduation, or just on the couch on an ordinary day with the sun sneaking in warming up the living room. The history, that is why I knit.

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