Monday, August 25, 2008

The houseguests

As you may have guessed from the title we had company this weekend. Technically I don't know if you would call them company though. It was more like a sleep over. Two of the husband's nieces came over. And if I may brag on them a bit they were GREAT. Not one single fight was had. Although one did let in our wet, muddy, smelly bloodhound who had dug out of the fence in the rain, but other than that no problems. We even got to play with yarn. I convinced the youngest, who is actually a knitter herself (very much a beginner but a knitter none the less), that we should dye some yarn even though she actually wanted to start knitting something. Here is her creation...

I think it turned out nice. I made one with pink, yellow, and orange and the colors weren't as vibrant at all. She was very pleased with it. She just kept feeling it and wanted to start knitting with it immediately but once I explained that since it's sock yarn it requires smaller needles and more stitches she quickly choose my worsted weight version. I'm considering making her a pair of tube socks with it and surprising her but I don't know if she'd like that or if she'd rather knit it herself.

While we were cooking the yarn I was felting a pair of slippers for the my other niece. They've been finished for a while but I'm also making a pair for their mother and figured I'd wait to give them to her until both pairs were finished that way they wouldn't have to do the whole felting thing twice. But since they were over and it's my water bill I thought what the hell, in they went. I love this pair, the two ladies in the yarn store also loved the colors together. I forgot to get a pic once they were finished but here's a pic prefelting. I had to throw it in cause the prefelting pics are always so funny.
Oh this one is growing up so fast. Knowing her I can even see her little attitude in the pic, yes I know it's just of her feet but trust me it still has attitude. She is 13 and just got her own email address. She was so excited showing me her 6 contacts and 19 emails, so now all my g-rated emails will be heading her way. Hell I even filled out one of those get to know me things so I could send it to her. Oh well until next time...

1 comment:

Amber said...

She did a great job dyeing the yarn! The colors are very pretty.