Thursday, August 21, 2008


Ok you're probably going to want to cover your I mean cover your eyes on this one. I am officially writing another letter. Yeah so I say this so much that my husband has started counting and he claims this is the 236th letter that is supposed to be written. Oh and I promise there will be a knitting post later on so just ignore this one and wait for the other one. I'm felting a ummm coaster? and so when I went into the laundry room all the bad memories resurfaced (from last night) and now rather than pay a shrink 300 bucks, I'm paying you guys nothing.

So I bought some fabric softener from Sams this weekend, I won't tell the brand but just know this I now I hate teddy bears. So as always at Sams you get this gargantuas (although I don't know how to spell this word it really works here, so its staying) amount that takes the equivalent of two people's lifetimes to use. No worries though it came with a handy dandy little spout poury thing, so no heavy lifting right? Yeah so yesterday I use it for the first time. I pull off the spout poury thing's cover which is also very conveniently a measuring cup stick it under the spout poury thing push the spout poury thing's button a couple glugs later I'm finished. It was great, effortless if you will. I'm likin' it and since I'm very picky about how my FS smells (the husband will tell you this also, usually in a bitchy tone) I will add that the smell is nice (I know this because my entire house now smells like it but that will be explained shortly). Ok so great it worked as it should great. Well Wednesday has now become our grocery day so when the husband gets home we head out, after a quick shower of course. When we arrive home with our fresh Publix produce (we're new Publix shoppers and the newness hasn't worn off yet), I walk in and am pleasantly greeted with a lovely smell of FS. I think to myself damn that's some strong FS, I've only done one load with it so far, but continue unloading bags. So as you can imagine when I later walk into the laundry room to see a third of my new FS all over the floor, dryer, and some clothes I'm thoroughly pissed. It had leaked, and yes I did replace the cap. I kept it on its side as I would've thought I could, but apparently shouldn't have, and it leaked. Now I know what you're thinking, because I already thought of that and my husband already told me, you probably shouldn't leave it on its side but damn the instructions on the back are written sideways so that when it's on its side, so that you can use the little spout poury thingy they are right ways up. So it only makes sense, what with the instructions and spout poury thingy to keep it sideways. Where was that damn teddy bear when I was having to clean my laundry room last night. On a side note as mentioned earlier my house smells GREAT. Oh and I told you to skip this one....


wendy said...

I'm so sorry but oh my that was so very funny...those teddy bears can be pure

Amber said...

Those teddy bear bastards! Sorry dear but after the times I have spilled fabric softener and had to clean it up...I am laughing at you. Or should I say "with you". Oh wait, you aren't laughing.